Thursday, April 26, 2012

April: A Month of Clarity

And...sure enough, just like last month, I have been so occupied that I haven't taken a moment to blog. Gosh I really am bad at keeping on top of this. Life has only gotten more chaotic and more exciting as April has progressed.

I have finally figured out where I'll be living over the summer and into the Fall when I head back to university. I am absolutely taken with the apartment I found and can't wait to move in in just over a month. It's less than a block from where I currently work and right downtown in Kingston.

I also have a new significant other in my life :P Through a weird series of events we ended up seeing each other. I'm completely smitten and has only given me something else to look forward to and enjoy in life. He's a keeper and I am one very lucky girl. I shan't go into too many details as I don't want to bore you with my love life haha.

Now I'm on the job hunt for something full time for the months of July and August. All my plans for the summer I thought were finalized, but I have realized that things are rarely ever set in stone and I've been learning to deal with letting things go. Letting events unfold has never been something I've been good at. I like planning, organizing and to a certain degree controlling things that happen in life. But as I have recently learned, things happen for a reason.

Had I not started working for the Y, broken up with my ex, and moved back to Kingston...I would have never met my new squeeze. Acknowledging that I don't have control over alot of things is pretty overwhelming but this month has really opened my eyes to just letting things happen. In a way it's less stressful too..not even trying to steer and just letting go of the wheel. It's scary but exciting at the same time.

I've been altering my long term to-do list as the months progress, now I have it narrowed down to 5 things I'd like to accomplish by the end of the summer.
1) Learning Spanish I really need to start making more time for this...less TV and more language learning is in order!!
2) Write fan mail to a tennis player I have had even more desire to do this as in all likelihood I will be headed to the Roger's Cup this summer at York University. (Did I also mention the new boy in my life is a tennis player?? :P)
3) Check out Racquet Science (tennis/ badminton store) I visited the store a couple of weeks ago after a doctor's appointment. A tennis/ badminton/squash players dream! The tiny store was covered wall-to-wall in racquets, bags, tennis apparel and strings. I wound up buying some red grip tape to match my red badminton racquet and ended up getting an enormous tennis ball magnet for my fridge as well. Apparently the store is owned by some guy from Edmonton, but he had pictures of himself at the French Open a few years ago, and I was instantly envious.
4)Work on my Renoir 1000 piece puzzle Similar to #1, I really need to start poking along with this...I may start this afternoon.

5)  Start blogging en Français Comme beaucoup des choses dans la vie, il n'y a pas assez de temps pour faire tous ce que je veux. Malheureusement mon écriture en français a besoin plusieurs heures de pratique . J'ai appris il y a une semaine que mon chum a essayé d'apprendre la langue française pendant qu'il était à l'université en Pologne. Les leçons de français pour lui peut-être?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

March: A Month of Vitality

I know, I know it's April, but I've been so bogged down with work and lots of exciting things happening that I haven't really had the time to sit down and type. I currently am at my parent's place for the Easter long weekend, and just got in from a brisk morning bike ride. We're having our big traditional dinner/ lunch today...Pumpkin pie here I come!

I can't believe it's April already. 4 months into the year of 2012 and it's gone by like a least to me. Only 1/3 into the year and I already have so much stuff to look forward to.
Firstly...just a week ago, I found out that I was accepted into Queen's University to pursue my Bachelor of Education this fall! I have wanted to be a teacher since I was 12 years old, so the fact that this is becoming very real is hitting me very hard. Now I'm on the apartment hunt closer to the university campus.

Life is keeping me busy as usual...with work, badminton, trivia, yoga classes, chess club, working in the french classroom, and tutoring to boot. Now I've added volleyball to that list. I played when I was in Grade 8 on both the girls and co-ed teams and was a pretty decent player. To get back on the court is pretty nostalgic for me, and I don't think I'm doing too bad. I'm definitely not the worst one out there that's for sure. I have no idea why, but all the extra-curriculars I join are ALWAYS male dominated. I'm one of maybe 4-5 girls in any of the above activities. Now don't get me wrong, I love men haha, it's just difficult when you're one of the only estrogen-filled bodies in the entire gym.

I am headed back to the all-girls summer camp I worked at last summer, starting in late June. I will no doubt be wishing for some of that testosterone while I am there.

Back in February I made a list of things that I wanted to try and accomplish. Let's revisit that list shall we?

1) learn HMTL (I'm pretty horrible with technology and need to fix that) Totally didn't get around to doing this lol. It's not practical for me, so I'm going to change this to: work on my Spanish

2) write fan mail to a tennis player (I'm thinking Canadian Peter Polansky, his mailing address is on his facebook page) Haven't gotten around to doing this either haha, but it will be easy enough. I just have alot on my plate.

3) start collecting French postcards (I have seen some gorgeous ones of Paris, and just in general I love anything French) Again, I have the best of intentions, I really do...but it's kind of been put on the back burner.

4) write reviews about Racquet Science (tennis/ badminton store) and Le Chien Noir (French restaurant) I will be visiting Racquet Science at some point, likely this week to buy grip tape for my racquet/ a possible restringing. I have been to (and blogged about) Le Chien Noir...I was VERY impressed with the restaurant

5) Ask out the guy I have had a crush on since Grade 11 I did shockingly do this. When you have a crush on someone for that long, your brain kinda fills in how you want them to be, rather than how they actually are. This was very disappointing and I wasted alot of time thinking about this individual lol.

6) Work on my Renoir 1000 piece puzzle (I need something quiet to do that doesn't involve the television) It's still sitting in it's box, unopened. Oops. I shall get on this.

7) Start blogging en Français (since moving to Kingston I don't use my French enough, and writing is definitely my weakest area) I've been reading more in French, but still have to work on the writing area.

8) Read at least 3 novels (I have definitely put off reading to watch more TV) DONE. and done. I have been reading much more recently. Currently I am in the midst of Beloved by Toni Morrison.